Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The "Dog in the Manger" Series

TEC: "Temporalities Eternally Cocooned", or the Dog in the Manger

In which we chronicle the hollow victories won by the Episcopal Church (USA), which takes over churches for which it has no earthly or spiritual use -- but it won't let any other Christians use them, either:

The Dog in the Manger (St. James the Less, Philadelphia)

1 comment:

  1. I wholeheartedly agree with you, Alan, and anticipate that very shortly the Dio VA will be attempting to sell the buildings of all of the Anglican litigants except for Truro and The Falls Church. Additionally, they will attempt to sell St Johns, Centreville, which has been struggling for membership for years, and St Michaels, just across the Fairfax/Loudoun County border.

    My dog, however, disagrees with the "dog in the manger" characterization. Although I apprised her of the fable, she says that dogs would never be as cruel as humans.
