Thursday, November 25, 2010

We Give Thanks to Thee, O Lord

From J. S. Bach's B-Minor Mass, performed in Bach's own church, with the successor choir to the one he led (now a bit more numerous, to be sure) -- mankind has never said it better than this:

May you and your loved ones enjoy a blessed Thanksgiving, in the grace and peace of God, through Our Lord Jesus Christ.


  1. We have much for which to be thankful, and family is at the top of that list. Happy Thanksgiving to you.

  2. May our Lord grant you and all of your loved ones a blessed day today, and long lives full of His blessings. You have been an inspiration to me, and I confidently presume to many others, both within and without the Episcopal Church.

    Pax et bonum,
    Keith Töpfer

  3. Truly lovely.
    Thank you for sharing this today and thank you so very much for all the extraordinary work you do.

    We are truly grateful.
