Friday, July 3, 2009

Friday TED Talk: Gever Tulley on Teaching Kids Dangerously

Gever Tulley, with no kids of his own, has fun letting other people's kids learn by doing things their own parents probably would not let them do. He runs a summer "Tinkering School" for kids --- one-week sessions where they get to do and make things with real power tools and a full range of materials. (In another short video at the TED site, he has a film made by kids riding on a roller coaster they constructed!) In the process of showing what he does, he makes some very good points about how being too protective can actually harm kids when they eventually (as they will) encounter real life:

As you might imagine, Gever Tulley writes some of the most interesting Twitters around. The high-resolution version of his talk is here. The talk may be downloaded from this page, and you may learn more here about Gever Tulley and his summer camp.


  1. "Used to" is the problem, U.P. But I bet the Girl Scouts never got to use electric drills and skill saws.
